Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Kingdom of Heaven is like...

Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God with his parable of the Prodigal Son. I guess I never really noticed the part of the Son who was angry, because it really stuck out to me the other day. It was the part where he refers to the Prodigal as "your son" and the father comes back with the thought that "it is not his son in there, but your Brother".
There are always going to be people who I don't get along with or don't necessarily like, but Jesus calls us to love our neighbors. In Luke 6 he chooses his disciples and then goes straight into the blessings and woes and how we should treat each other then what we as christians should surround ourselves in (good fruit) and then how to live this life. As I read the Prodigal son I began to realize that the Kingdom of Heaven is not filled with God's children but my Christian brothers and sisters of whom I have no right to judge.

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