Thursday, January 11, 2007

School is in...

and I get to buy new books!

Here are some of the books for my future reading fun:

(Influential thinkers of the Twentieth Century)
Abolition of Man - C.S. Lewis
Pensees - Blaise Pascal
Confessions - Augustine
On Christian Doctrine - Augustine
Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner - Frederich Nietzche
Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
The Present Age - Soren Kierkegaard
Technology and Justice - ???
Closing of the American Mind - Bloom
Epistle to the Romans - Karl Barth

Then in my other class:

(Christianity and Culture)
Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard - W.H. Auden
Myth of a Christian Nation - Gregory Boyd
A Peculiar People - Clapp
The Grand Inquisitor - Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Secret Message of Jesus Christ - Brian McLaren
Geneology of Morals - Frederich Nietzche
How (not) To Speak to God - Peter Rollins

I also have a class on Psalms and the Wisdom books, the History of Christianity from the reformation up to the present and my music theory class. This semester will be filled with a lot of reading and paper writing. I'm excited for that and I feel nerdy about it. Oh well.



Kurt Ingram said...

what hours are you up there then, i am there monday 11:40-9pm and wednesday 8:30am-8:45pm

Anonymous said...

Matt and I want to read that Pete Rollins book BAAAADDD. Let us know when you think you are going to read it and maybe we could all connect about it. Maybe a bunch of us could blog back and forth about the book. Sound cool?