Friday, December 23, 2005

I Steal, I Don't Kill

I stole this from my friend brad hauge's blog. At around 12:30 a.m. on December 17, 2005, I peed my pants a little when I saw this.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Churches. Can't We All Just Get Along?!?

why is it that there is a separations amongst churches? THere is a guy who would like to play at my church, but he goes to another church. His heart is to build a community and friendship amongst churches, but I was told that I couldn't let him play because he plays at another church. There is a term that I like to use which is "church gigging". THis is a term for people who play at multiple churches so that they can get more play time. This guy who plays at another church wants to play with me to support our outreach into the neighborhood and support a community that he has a desire and longing for. So is it wierd that I want him to come to my church to play?

I guess you have to choose a church eventually, but when you are using your gifts to bless a community is this a bad thing? It seems that there are these walls built up and sometimes need to be broken down. I spoke to this guy, and told him to speak to his pastor about this to let him know that we are not stealing him at all, but instead are sharing his gifts, and also that this is his choice and not my influence. I will also speak to his pastor after he does, but this is just wierd to me. I knkow that this is the mature thing to do, but I think that this is the shitty part of being a "pastor". My heart still lies in the thought of building a network of musicians who have a passion for playing for God. If churches can hire musicians out of a studio, is there a difference in this?

I had to battle with my bosses for this, and it is cool because they trust me with this and my decision, but then I am also scared, because what if I screw it up and they never let me do this ever again. crap.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

I'd Hate to Jump On Board...

but I went to see Narnia today, and it was probably the most amazing story I've ever seen/heard. Knowing that it was a movie, and not a book, I am inspired to read the series. I didn't really jump on board with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but this one I may became a fairweather friend.
I think what intrigued me was the theological ties running rampant throughout the movie. If the movie was somewhat true to the book, I like a lot of CS Lewis' theology. THough he is selfproclaimed "not a theologian", Lewis' story is so rich with the stuff it was impossible as a christian not to be moved by this movie. One question though: what the heck was Santa doing there?
I was also moved by this movie, because I've been going through this "dry period" in my spirituality. Not so much a doubting of God, but a doubting of the church. This movie, and the story of Christ and his mission, helped me realize that people matter so much more than my feelings of what the church should be like.


Friday, December 16, 2005

Thursday, December 15, 2005


I'd talked about listening to this guy earlier, but the more I listen to him, the more I like him. The thing about him is that he is Jewish who does dancehall reggae music. As I listen to him, I keep hearing all of these stories and lyrics that sound familiar, and I realize he's singing right out of Old Testament Theology and Israelite history. It is very interesting to hear, but there is one song in which he cries over and over wanting longing for the messiah. It is such a strange disconnect that I have when I hear this. I like to think of the Jewish faith as our distant cousins, almost like that cousin that nobody talks good about, but most of the family knows that you are related. The family just doesn't talk about this cousin because of his wierd beliefs. But what if we are the wierd cousins that everybody is talking about. ***side note: I am at TWU and I just saw this couple make out in the "student center" as I am writing this - get a dorm room, seriously.***

anyshoe, I'm finishing up a paper on Merton.

peace in the middle east

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Heading Into the Home Stretch

Just a few more finals and then I will drop dead...well, not really but I will be glad it is all over. My plans? I will probably read, write some new songs, work out old songs, and record some songs with some friends of mine. I am also planning out what I want to do for my next record even though I haven't one ready to listen to now. I think for my new album I will do a "concept" album telling the stories of people that I minister to and fellowship with. It will be their stories, only they won't really know it - very bruce springsteen or lionel richie in theory, you decide which one. This is just a thought ponging around in my head right now.

what am I reading? Study
what am I listening too? A mix of songs that I made that I named, "Music to Make Love To: Volume III".


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Another One Bites the Dust!

Knocked out another paper. This one was on the interpretation of Isaiah 7:14, and the thought of Isaiah talking to Ahaz and Israel or predicting the coming of the Messiah.

So far I've written:
*A 10 page paper on "Jesus made in the Image of Man"
*A 10 Page paper on "The Social Gospel and its Impact on American Religion and Society"
*A 6 Page exegetical paper on "Isaiah 7:14"

In the next week I will write:
A 10 Page paper on Benedictine Monks
A 10 page reflection on Writings of Thomas Merton
An 8 Page paper about architecture used in christian worship.

All this while studying for finals.

Shoot me now.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Random Snow Day Thoughts

I sit here watching "Saved by the Bell: The College Years" and laughing as I watch outside with anticipation for the next dumping of snow. It probably won't snow again, but "anything can happen on a snow day" ("Snowday" one of the best snow movies ever). I'm debating whether I should work on papers or see how Zach's crazy shenanigans end up. Is it me, or did A.C. rock the same mullet through high school and college?
I was thinking the other day about family traditions. Cynthia and I go to get a Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving every year with our friends the Westons. What are some of your traditions? Really, I'd like to know.
What are your churches doing for Christmas? ANything different? For the next four weeks leading into christmas, we will be doing some different liturgies (prayers, calls and response, and candles. WE are so Post modern) and celebrating the season of expectation. I didn't grow up in a church, so this will be fun and different for me. I've had some people come and tell me that they thought that advent was just a word in front of a calendar that they could buy at Costco.

enough of that. Saved by the Bell is finishing and I have papers to write. Enjoy your day.
