Thursday, February 09, 2006

I'm ruined

I continually tell monkey that school is ruining me. When I hear talks, the "red light keeps coming on in my head as people take scriptures out of text, or don't even use them. I hate it, because I want to just come to church and be told the best way to live my life is through jesus and serving him. Isn't that what church was intended to be for our generation?

All sarcasm aside, I really do hate this dilema. Oh well, I'll just continue to be critical and have my wife rebuke me for it.


Listening to: I have a version of the worship song "Blessed be Your Name" in my head set to John Mayer's "Love Song for No One". From teh bridge to the end, it goes into a Reggae feel. It is incessant in my head...that and Madonna's song that she did on the Grammy's last night. I won't leave me alone!!!