Today I had a visit from the mormons. It was pretty interesting. We talked for a while, but usually when I tell them that I work at a church and also study christianity and culture at TWU they back down. This didn't happen today. It was interesting because I was asking them about how they felt about their beliefs and they were very open with me. I really appreciated our conversation actually. What I want to tell them is I want to be their friend not their project. I want to hang out with Jerry the person, not "Elder Jerry" the missionary. I also want to know more about the magic underwear. Minus the magic underpants, maybe this is how people feel about us Christians.
While researching my new friends and their faith, I came across this video. I thought that it was ridiculous and funny. It looks like "superfriends" meets propaganda. Don't worry, I am still a christian. I loves me some Jesus and I love my neighbor, even if their beliefs are different than mine. Now if only I could meet a true buddhist like Merton.