Friday, September 23, 2005

I hate smart people

I have this wierd torture device called New Testament Theology. I go every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00-10:50. I am so lost most of the time, because it is so above my head. I don't want to look like an idiot, but I think I might bring a dictionary with me to class. People are throwing around words like dichotemy, dispensationalism. or Kerygma. I know what these words mean now, sort of, but it just seems like these people are learning new words and trying to impress the teacher with their little nuggets of jizz. I just want to look at them and say, "Your mental masturbation impresses nobody but the people in your head, and what you are doing is just pointless and annoying-please stop". I guess it's not the smart people I hate, but instead the chronic masturbators as mentioned above. I think that once people gain a little academic understanding there is this need to show it off. This is why I choose to not make sarcastic remarks towards the church anymore. I think some of it may come from my newly attained knowledge.

I hate academics.


CD listening to: Still listening to Talib Kweli, son! Also listening to Dave Matthews "Everyday" CD. Never listened to it before. It sounds a lot like other Dave Matthews CD's. Don't you hate when people call him "Dave"? Hippies.

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