Wednesday, September 21, 2005

movie time

saw the "rockumentary" Rock School last night. It was very impressive, but also very upsetting. This guy is teaching kids to be rock stars, and also giving them really complicated pieces to play in hopes that they will "make it" and then the trail will lead back to them starting at Rock School in Philidelphia. Though it was really impressive to see these kids ranging from 9-17 playing Frank Zappa tunes, it was equally annoying how this guy was yelling at these kids and embarassing them. But the kids loved him. they said that it made them practice harder. What?!? I would have kicked him in the junk and told him, "suck it trabek, I'm out". Oh well, that's why they are really talented at the ages of 9-17 and I'm not quite there yet...and I'm going to be 29.


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