Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Drop Your Crap and Join the Revolt.

Slow down everyone
You're moving too fast
Frames can't catch you when
You're moving like that

These are some of musician Jack Johnsons words that have been bouncing around my head as of late. I've really noticed that people, including myself, are always on the run. We as a society have filled our day with crap that we don't really need. Monkey over at Incarnational Orthodoxy talked about how pastors can do this as to not look "lazy" to the congregation. But with all filler and no killer in our lives, where is the time for God?

What can we do to slow down? I think I mentioned about meditation being a lost part of our Christian faith, and I still stand by it. We in western society fill our days with so many different meetings and appointments that we forget to add an appointment with God. Eugene Peterson talks about this in his book, "the contemplative pastor" saying that he often just looks at his schedule and if God is pencilled in, then nobody is getting that time. I like this thought. It's good to take time out to walk and think, or even meditate.

I've been experimenting with meditation and slowing down my pace in life. Those who know me know that I am pretty laid back (It's the Hawaiian in me), but I get caught up in meetings and everything just like everybody else so I've just decided that life is too short to worry about meetings. I show up to them, but I leave earlier from my place and I take my time getting there. My blood pressure is too precious to yell at the guy who cut me off (but sometimes I wish I didn't work at a big church in a small town so I could yell at them or flip them off). I've been meditating and praying a lot more, doing tai chi and slowing my life down, dropping acid and hanging out with spider monkeys down in Saint Bart's changed my whole perspective on shit (okay, that last one was from Zoolander, but you get the point). I'm going against the grain and telling people, "F-You, I won't conform to your standards of making me look busy". If you want to join the revolution against society's standards, please send money to:

Ron's New Guitar Fund
Belli-town, WA 98225

CD's that I am excited about: Two CD's really:
The Gorillaz New Album "Demon Days". Dude, De La Soul appears on this album. Does it get any better?
The White Stripes. "Get Behind Me Satan". I like Jack White and what he does. It reminds me of a kid playing in his garage with his buddy who just started playing drums, but they can't find a bass player. If you are a hendrix/blues fan, you might dig a lot of what the White Stripes do.

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