Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Fourth of July

I appreciate my freedom of speech, I really do. I think that this year was the first time I've ever really reflected on the Fourth of July and what it truly means to me. The fact that I can talk about my faith openly, or talk about my government openly, protest and ditest what it does or seems to stand for, or even that I get to type on this blog without the fear that someone is tracking my where abouts at this very second is a blessing.

As I watched fireworks exploding in the sky, by peoples ears, or in peoples hands this past holiday, I thought to myself how lucky we truly are that we are free of oppression and tyranny. The symbolism of the "rockets red glare" and "Bombs bursting in air" made me realize that people went through a lot to obtain and sustain this freedom that I have. Though I don't agree with political views and wars that go on, I do know that we are lucky be where we are.

So enough of patriotism, here is the statement that we as christians need to question: "God Bless America". Why is it during these patriotic times, we have this come up over and over again. Is this the true ringing tone of freedom? Who was the brain giant who wrote this song? I'll bet he was white, rich, and a slave owner. The worst part about this scenario is that people are still writing these songs glorifying our country, but now these songs include something whitty like "these colors don't run" or "if you mess with us we'll kick your ass".

But it doesn't stop at the song. Sure we don't own slaves, but why is it when we pull into a Family Bookstore, somebody has taken their sticker of a yellow ribbon with this phrase printed on it and cleverly turned it sideways like a "jesus fish". I think if they are going to release all of the "God Bless America" propaganda, they should at least make it truly mean what they are selling and add to it "and no one else". They may as well start making "God Bless Whitey" or "God Bless Me" stickers.

And this is where the whole freedom thing rings in (pun intended). We look at our lives and the opportunities we have and we say, "I'm so glad to live in America and be able to worship my God freely", and yet we never look at others when we say this. It's almost like the Pharisee and the tax collector: God, thank you for blessing me as an american and that you didn't make me like the people in somalia who are fearful of being taken out by Mogadishu warlords. And they are there saying, "God, thank you for allowing me to be alive". Our priorities seem to get messed up in freedom...maybe that's what I've been trying to say this whole time. If that makes sense to you then that's what I was saying - priorities, it's what's for dinner.


cd- If you would like more "America Rules and you suck" music, listen to Toby Keith.

1 comment:

Matt Martinson said...

Tribal Deities - they ain't just for naked people living in the forests...