Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A Rant For You To Read

I really should think before I write this, but that's what blogs are for right? There has been a lot of talk about where my church is headed and the things that we will be doing in order to get there, and I think that it sucks. We are headed into more of a "small group" thought in order to reach out to our county for the good of Gods kingdom. The only thing is, there is a church right across town who is doing the same thing. In order to reach this place of Small groups, we have to cut a lot of programs including some of our outreach who exactly are we reaching out to now, the white middle class families?
Our new pastor spoke this week and gave an amazing point that we sometimes forget: "There are no second class citizens. It's not that I hate the church, in fact I support them in there attempt to reach more people for Jesus, but it seems that they are almost forgetting the widows and orphans part of the bible and focussing more within the walls of teh church. It's almost as if the church as a whole is trying to become so friendly to the "world", that we are starting to adapt to some of it's traits. What I mean is that maybe we are starting to adapt traits such as self centeredness and this is why we are only looking at what's going on inside and not outside of the church.
I sang a hymn this last week at the Leadership Summit called "I love your church, O God", but I don't know if I really mean it. While I do love the church that Christ died for, I don't always love all of it's people. I think that the worst part about it is that I don't feel bad for saying that.


Forgive me for I have sinned (Guilty Pleasure): I watched THe Chappelle Show Season 2, and I laughed my butt off. Probably one of the funniest things that I have seen in a while, and at the same time, the crudest, rudest, and most vulgar. God, why did you give me a sick sense of humor?


P.T. Peterson said...

Dude, I gotta get me some o' dat stock!

Matt Martinson said...

What the crap is that stock thing?!

Anyway, the more I hear about this thing you are griping about (which I probably shouldn't know anything about) the more I am with you. I'm trying to be a positive influence, but that really does suck. I think people really do start to believe that all God wants is church growth and if the church grows larger numerically, it is a sign of his blessing.

Excuse me, I just puked in my mouth.