Another easter has come and gone, and the church continues to dupe the unchurched into a message which instead of telling the truths of Jesus, tells them of their stupidity for not believing in Jesus and asks them to join their club. I get so sad when we are consistantly reminded of how "christmas and easter are the two biggest holidays in which the non churched come to church" and we are asked to bring our non churched friends to church so that we can reach out and share the good news of the risen christ, only to have them hate us because they waste an hour of their sunday being lectured to.
At my church we do this thing called "one life" - a person that you are inviting to church because they need to be saved. "Be praying for your one life", "Make sure you are thinking about your one life and inviting them" - both common christianese thrown around my church around this time of year. The thing is, I don't invite anyone, because I don't want to invite them only to feel like an asshole for inviting them to a lecture on why they should believe in Christ. Shoot, I could do that! Why don't they pay me money as their offering and
I'll let them into my church for the sexy people...
Your church plant seems like a good idea, you should do it. I agree about easter and the whole alternative agenda in friendship christian crap. God forbid we should just love them and serve them without this stupid agenda of bringing them to a place where they might here some good apologetics. But then we have to find a way to get people to think of others and share the gospel, oh crap that is what are entire lives are supposed to be.
hi ron pai
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